Measure Stakeholder Experiences| Unearth Insights


In many family owned businesses, the businesses are at a junction where

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The long term health of business depends on its strength of relationship

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In today’s world, many leaders are compelled to drive quarter on quarter

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Relationships with the stakeholders are of high value and needs careful nurturing

Is there a system to get early signals of emerging risk in your hi-value stakeholder relationships?

High Value customers don’t break off… they slow down. Isn’t it critical to know why?

Relationship team is not the only touch point… many more internal teams too are…

Insights into what is weakening the stakeholder relationships creates actionable initiatives

A health check of touch points & experience helps business take affirmative actions for growth

High Value Customer needs regular measurement and tracking to assess how various touch points of the business are engaging with the external world

Grassroots has a unique ‘RootedInsightsTM’ module which uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative examination of high value customer touch points. It’s a combination of Inside-Out & Outside-In approach.

Apart from a trackable score, the study also unearths insights, through in-depth interviews, into the reasons for weakening relationships, contextualized with competition dynamics.
The long term health of businesses, especially B2B, is highly dependent on the delight factor of high value customers – in terms of being aligned with brand strategy, smooth engagement with back-end, engaging product offerings etc.

The emerging pain-points with these hi-value high value customers create a range of actionable initiatives across high value customer engaging departments within the organization.

About Us

Grassroots, started in 2001, is an independent research firm specializing in stakeholder touch point measurement and unearthing insights. Focus of the research is to derive actionable inputs to assist the leadership team to align the medium term and long term business strategy of the organization

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