About Us

companyGrassroots, started in 2001, is an independent research firm specializing in stakeholder touch point measurement and unearthing insights. Focus of the research is to derive actionable inputs to assist the leadership team to align the medium term and long term business strategy of the organization. Since its inception, Grassroots has helped a variety of organizations in measuring experiences & identifying insights into their business relations with different set of stakeholders. Sectors like Financial Services, Stock & Commodity Exchanges, Healthcare, Hospitality, Building Material, Core Metals etc. have used these ‘RootedInsightsTMmodel to do a reality check annually.
Grassroots, being independent, has been able to unearth issues, legacy factors, product white spaces which otherwise remains muted with the workforce of the organization. Especially the pain points and early signals of risk create a range of immediate actionable points for the leadership to steer the course.

Continuous tracking and tailored initiatives have actually improved the stakeholder synergies resulting in improved business results and stalled revenue leaks to competition.


What do we do?

Grassroots-RootedInsights-ModelWe specialize in customizing each study depending on the nature and long term importance of stakeholders. Each of company’s touch points are mapped and specific departments are engaged with to identify dynamics of relationship with these stakeholders.

Measuring the health of relationship, unearthing key drivers of stakeholder experience, bench marking vis-à-vis competition and capturing opinions across touch points serves as an important input for annual planning exercises. Actionable inputs instead of mere customer satisfaction measurements form the bedrock of these studies.

These stakeholders’ respondents are most often senior leaders (Founders, MDs, CXOs, BU Heads and Functional Heads etc.) and utmost care is taken to have our senior partners engage in these feedback engagements.

Identifying important underlying issues which otherwise do not get discussed become the key. It’s also an art to ‘read between the lines’ and ‘understanding the unsaid’ in these senior level conversations.

pebbles-journeyOur Journey

Grassroots was born out of firm belief that market is where the brand lives. Anchoring our efforts to understand various dynamics of brand’s engagement with outer world led us to formulate RootedInsightsTM program. A journey that has meandered through Heavy Engineering firms to Healthcare entities to Financial behemoths to multinational building material players and Warehousing giants. This journey has taught us the joy of discovery and deep dive, how brands display a spectrum of engagements and loyalties.

These 16 years have strengthened our resolve and at the same time helped us remain humble in the face of ever changing brand’s dynamics and market forces. Each is a learning experience and discovery that unravels itself. Team has grown stronger now by seasoned industry veterans and sector specialists.

With no axe to grind, Grassroots has remained fiercely honest, independent and candid about what the study shows. It’s a testimony of our efforts that a large number of our studies have transformed into annual health check of stakeholder relationships.

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