
RootedDrivers1RootedDriversTM – In today’s world, many leaders are compelled to drive quarter on quarter or shot term results. Examining the core Brand Drivers helps the business leaders to evaluate if the long term value is secured and nurtured or not. Brand Drivers study is of great assistance to business owners planning to raise funds, build firms towards an IPO, seek investors etc. This creates a road map of value creation, rooted in the Brands core abilities and market expectations.

Grassroots through its RootedInsightsTM program identifies Brand’s long term sustainability drivers which then become focus for the management to base their future strategy. Each Driver is developed into short term and long term action points which then are tracked rigorously for enhanced business results.

Grassroots also conducts offsite workshops at the end of several stakeholder projects to explain the drivers to the management/ operational teams and make them work on the action points based on the drivers so that the departmental ownership gets developed.

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